What do Bill Clinton, John Quincy Adams, Theodore Roosevelt, Susan Sontag, Elizabeth Dole, Susan Sarandon and Hillary Clinton have in common? They have all been members of the Phi Beta Kappa Society. The Society is composed of an elite group of individuals who are recognized for their excellence in liberal arts and sciences. Fewer than 1% of college graduates can claim this designation.
Founded in 1776, Phi Beta Kappa is the oldest academic society in the nation. Today there are 280 chapters and some 60 associations (for those who have already graduated) in the United States. The chapters and associations remain steeped in the tradition of nurturing inquisitive minds and stimulating meaningful dialogue on important issues in the liberal arts and in society. This appreciation for inquiry coupled with diversity and academic excellence continues to make a noticeable difference in both the local community here and through the rest of the world.
Do you remember how excited you were -- and how proud your family members and friends were – when you first got the invitation to be inducted into Phi Beta Kappa when you were in college? Now as a member of the Phi Beta Kappa Society, you have the opportunity to be a role model and/or mentor for young, motivated students who represent our future leaders. One of the primary activities for our association is raising money for both outstanding, deserving undergraduate and graduate students.
We need your ongoing support to help fund dreams for these students. Twice a year you will receive a letter requesting donations for scholarships. There are other ways to be involved as well. You might attend one of our events. We recently toured the Musical Instrument Museum in north Scottsdale. During the holidays we participated in Luminaria Night at the Desert Botanical Garden. There is always good fellowship, so watch for notices and please join us at the events.
Our signature event is the annual dinner, traditionally held in mid-October. We have compelling speakers who have ranged the gamut from notable political figures to newspaper reporters, educators and communicators. Our lecture is followed by a more intimate salon setting where engaging discussions occur as participants comment on the topic at hand and raise additional questions as well.
We look forward to meeting you at an event during the year, or contact us through the PBK website. We really enjoy hearing from our members. If you have an idea for an event or a speaker topic, please let us know. We want our association to continue being a vibrant organization that is meeting its members’ needs. Let us hear from you!
Maire Simington, Co-President
Elena Zee, Co-President